Progressive Metal/Rock, just as the name says, “Progressive means moving forward,” is always on the cutting edge of new and innovative. It’s just the best stuff out when looking for something “new” and how about……”Progressive.” This is not Rush. There never was nor will there ever be anything progressive about Rush. I find people who are into Progressive Metal/Rock, feel they need to include these hacks in their Prog Metal list of fav’s. There is only one good thing about this dumb fuckin’ band….that is the drummer, Neil Peart. He needs to be playing with real musicians. But, that doesn’t mean I think Peart is that good of a drummer either. Just better at what he does than the other two jack-offs. And, when it comes to a small handful of the worst singers ever, that fuckin’ toucan Geddy Lee pops right up   (

Geddy Lee’s whiny, nasally, complaining vocals, sound so much like Alice Kramden of The Honeymooners, in rare form goin’ off on Ralph. When I hear Geddy start up with his shit, I imagine seeing a large skillet flying, like an ICBM through the air to kiss his scarecrow face, exactly like a cartoon. And then see the metal of the pan mold around and take shape of his huge beak. Oh…if only that could stop his noise. Geddy’s bass playing is almost as useless as Alex Lifeless’ guitar playing. Geddy’s bass playing is just so weak with nothing to add. The guy just can’t play anything creative at all. Geddy works his bass like it’s a wrench on a nut. Alex Lifeson must be the most pathetic excuse for a guitar player right alongside The Firm of U2 (believe me, I’ll get to those useless-worthless U2 fuckers). Rush may be in 2nd place for being the most overrated band to have success in the world.

Really, what does Lifeson need with a guitar anyway? Lifeson handles a guitar just like an actor does in a movie and you know that actor has never picked up one before in his life. I’ve seen children operate an inflatable balloon guitar with more dexterity than Lifeson. Watching Alex Lifeson try to work a guitar, is like watching a 95 year old with advanced arthritis use a Rubik’s Cube.

Then there’s the music of Mush…er..ahh..Rush. Songs with no ending in sight. And these lackluster songs just go on and on and on. Maybe if Rush had a real guitar player and a real bass player, then you’d have something. But, if you did that, then you’d have a real band anyway, wouldn’t cha’? So, in closing, if you’re into Prog Metal that’s great, good for you for having some taste. But, if you like these guys Rush, they don’t belong in the same category as real players.


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126 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. i used to love rush, then i grew up. now i’m ashamed of it.

    • Agree totally! Rush is the darling of Rolling Stone Magazine. You ever wonder why they give EVERY album that they release a 5 star rating? Because Rush has sold their integrity (and souls!) for the ratings! They’re a corporate band, no doubt. Their managers will do ANYTHING to whore out themselves for good reviews. That’s why they’re the most overrated rock band ever to shame the music industry.

      • Amazing how everybody who cuts up Rush NEVER comments on music! The only negative comments are about other stuff…magazines?…corporations??…their souls???What do any of you know about the playing or writing of music?

      • I am very happy to see that you hate Rush and you LOVE Hendrix. Hendrix is fucking god!

  2. everything sucks….except that which you like ?

    why so negative ? are you that insecure or what ?

    you’re really spreading ugliness out here , and for

    what ? does it make you feel good about yourself to be

    critcal and mean ? i don’t get it . i’m sure i suck too !

  3. I laugh at your ignorance!!

    Crappy here,

    Coming from a dumb-ass such as yourself, that is a complement. Thanks!

  4. I agree with what you’re saying. I think Rush is one of the most over-rated crap bands to ever disgrace this country. I can’t immagine why anyone would ever like them. Before I knew anything about them I seriously used to think that the lead singer was some chinese chick with a super annoying voice. It came as a with great surprise (and horror) to find out that the lead singer was some obnoixous white guy with the most crap voice this world has ever had the displeasure of hearing. They can’t STFU too soon.

    Crappy here,

    Thank you!! I’m always relieved to know I’m not alone when I read a rare response from someone who’s I.Q. is in the 3 digits. I’m glad you enjoyed my truth which is THE truth. Keep using your brain!

    • Rush is actually from canada.

      • Ya.. and fucking mindless canadian hillbillies wont EVER let you forget it OR not let you know it… LOL

    • What! Rush IS the best band in the world whether u like it or not! (besides a couple.


  5. Hey Bub Rush is the greatest rock ‘n’ roll band. Every single band member in there has what it takes to put on a awesome performance. Hey it’s just my opinion but ur opinion about them is just gay and stupid. Swearing isn’t cool espically to a great band. Hey at least they r making money and living a dream with great music unlike u just making a big deal about it.

    Crappy here,

    Yes, it is just your opinion, and your opinion is worthless. A child, if left unattended with free access to candy and cookies, will eat candy and cookies until the child gets sick. Why does a child do this? Because, a child does not know any better. This is the exact reason why dog-shit bands like Rush are still popular. You losers don’t know any better and don’t want to know better. The swearing I use in all my posts is justifiable and appropriate. Plus, my well written, factual and informative pieces support it. They’re making money? Yes, they are and so do drug dealers. That doesn’t make it a good thing for the buyers.

    • …well written, factual, informative…??? about Rush?!! Wow, I have nothing left to say. People who understand music may like Rush or not like Rush, but anybody who knows what they are talking about would say “Rush Sucks”.

    • Crappy, will you pleeeeeeeeze start blogging again? Please!!!

      • Hi Denise!!
        Well, shucks!! Thank you, darlin’! I thought the Earth might blow-up soon, so I haven’t thought about writing for quite a while. I’ll try to get something goin’ for ya pretty soon. So, check back!

        Crappy! xoxo!

      • I heard the creature channel is gone 😦

  6. Crappy,

    I totally agree with you about Rush. I can’t stand it when people treat them like they are the pioneers of music. THEY’RE NOT!!! You should be glad that they are not in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. I agree with what you said about Neil Peart. He’s the only great thing about the band and he’s a great drummer. I can’t stand the other members either. I’m totally with you. As a fan of classic rock, I will still go on by saying that Rush is the most pretentous and overrated rock group on the entire face of the earth. I prefer ZZ Top anytime over the terrible music of Rush.

    • Wow u r so pathetic!

      • FUCK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE “person”!

    • WHOLLY FUCK !!!!


      But then again, i DOUBT very many realize JUST how steeped into the occult they are and always have been.THIS … oftentimes accounts for the “success” of MANY a music artist.

      And should NOT be dismissed as hodge podge bullshit.

      Read up on ALL the artists that have been part of that world ( ZEPPELIN included)and to what extent a VERY high price was paid as a result… and usually in human life/lives, tragedies,accidents, and so on.

      • im not a rush worshipper, but your nuts. I was a Rush fan as a kid, and like ALL rush fans i made it my business to knowm all the rush trivia there was to know. they arent, and never were, “steeped in the occult” the naked guy in front of the star is not cultic. you’ll notice its not a pentagram.neil peart is “steeped” in really really stupid and pretensious lyrics though.

  7. lol are you serious or just trolling? if you are serious, then you are one of the most pathetic people I came across on web. only the fact that you call geddy a bad bass player proves that you know nothing about music. please do us a favor and kill yourself. and if you are a troll, again kill yourself. you are a total waste of oxygen.

    Crappy here,

    What IS pathetic, is YOU are a typical dumb-ass shit-for-brains that thinks “Geddy the Toucan” can play bass. You must think Geddy’s nasally whining is singing too, right? You’re just another moron of millions whose musical taste is up your ass. Yep, I’m the real deal. Hey, I’m glad you’re real too, otherwise who would change my oil at Jiffy Lube? You better get used to hearing, “Hey asshole!! Don’t forget the windows!!”

    • To start, I love RUSH, they aren’t my favorite-but definitely one I go to on my Ipod every so often. Crappy, you obviously have a strong opinion, and even though i disagree with it I respect you speaking out. I also hate the amassing amount of fans to RUSH that do not know Rush, and I respect that you have taking the time to decide they aren’t worth dog shit (Even though I may disagree).

      When you say you aren’t implying Neil Peart is a great drummer, whether you like the band or not, that guy is a god with the drum kit.

      • Yet ANOTHER one who doesnt get it huh ?You NEVER heard of OR listened to Alan White,Bill Bruford?Carl Palmer?Frans DiGicocco?Phil fucking COLLINS??Chester Thompson?The drummers that have been on Gino Vannelli’s albums?NOT to mention ALL the other fucking drummers in ALL the great progressive bands over the years?


        Man.. NONE so lame as those who know FUCK ALL .. LOL

  8. hey crappy – how you doing, you shitty asshole

    Crappy here,
    Great! Thanks for askin’, sweetheart! ox

  9. Crappy here,

    Below is a reprint of an exchange I had just a few weeks ago (the week coming out of the 4Th of July weekend 2009) on here about Mush with this jack-off going by the names, Fred, Matt, and Dick. I decided to compile the entire event to save space. This shit-beetle thought he was going to tell me how things are going to be run. Well, I’m sure all of you know by now who’s running things. So, sit back and enjoy just how angry this guy got. By the way, take notice just how many times a day he posted.

    Author : Dick York
    Submitted on 2009/07/02 at 7:45pm

    You don’t like Rush because it’s uncool to like them and because you can’t follow
    the complexities. And that’s ok – because now you listen to boy bands while spanking
    your tiny monkey to posters of the boy bands. How do I know this? I’m your neighbor,
    you dumb shit.

    FU pussy

    Author : Dick York
    Submitted on 2009/07/02 at 7:47pm

    You’re also always gay

    Author : Dick York
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:45 PM

    crappy – you continuous pussy. you keep deleting my comments.

    FU – you puss

    Author : matt
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:45 PM

    You deleted my comments that showed you’re an illogical douche bag that sucks off and boys.

    You’re a pussy.

    Author : Dick York
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:45 PM

    Oh, you’ll moderate it. You’ll delete it.

    Crappy is extremely illogical in addition to being outright stupid and ignorant. You don’t have to like Geddy’s bass playing to understand he is extremely talented. But since you’re a racist, you hate him.

    FU til the end, you cockbag.

    Crappy here,
    Everyone try to forgive Matt. You the readers won’t know this but, old Matt here forgot to wear his helmet one day, fell off his bicycle and smacked his skull. Thus, he originally posted a few of the above comments in the wrong place all together. So I’m helping him out by re-posting them here in the correct area.

    Author : Dick York
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    Crappy, quite aptly named, prefers smoking pole while listening to Culture Club, than listening to good music.
    Like someone else said (wrote), kill yourself.

    Author : Dick York
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    Now I understand, after seeing your shitty youtube channel. You’re a butt-rocker. No wonder you hate Rush, you jack off to Poison and Winger. That explains why you can’t appreciate good music.

    Hey dumbfuck: Paul Gilbert is a huge Rush fan. He’s said it many times in interviews.
    Steve Vai called Lifeson a virtuso when he appeared on Vai’s Christmas album or whatever it was. Please try to pay attention. Your heroes know good music but somewhere along the line you got your ass kicked by a Rush fan and that’s why you hate them. Go play your pointy Jackson guitar, you cockbag.

    And of course you haven’t posted any of your songs – YOU DON’T HAVE ANY! YOU’RE NOT ANY GOOD!

    You could very well be one of the worst persons that has ever existed. If I had to choose which to save, between you and an ant that was about to be hit by a car-I’d pick the ant.

    FU, you spandex-wearing, mullet-sporting butt-rock douche!

    Author : Fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    ha I was right, you deleted them all. you homo pussy


    Author : Fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    Faced: Vai and Gilbert are great and they both love Lifeson. You don’t and that means you’re wrong and lame.

    I’m going to comment everyday until you’re dead.

    Author : Fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    Dead = you shut your crappy site (pun intended) down.

    Author : Fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    Vai and Gilbert would mock you for not being able to appreciate Rush.But they’d never talk to a douche like yourself anyway.

    Author : Fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    I doubt you’ve ever listened to rush.

    Author : Fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:46 PM

    he’s negative because he’s not a good guitar player and those that are, often like Rush and he doesn’t get it. The complexities cause him confusion.

    He sux.

    Author : fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 4:47 PM

    Your heroes Gilbert and Vai love Rush and you just can’t understand that. It’s because you’re a terrible guitarist. You haven’t posted any of your music because it’s embarrassing and dreadful and you know it.

    You’re also a major pussy.

    Even a cursory listen to the guitar solo in “Freewill” will prove amazing guitar work to the most uneducated of pricks like yourself. But you’ve chosen to be a douche bag. So there you go. You’re also pissed because you’re a major failure and Rush have been
    successful for 5 decades. You’re still a janitor. Ha, you’re a janitor and a loser. FU!

    See ya tomorrow, you cheeseball buttrocker. Now remember, cockbag, I’m gonna come back everyday day for the rest of your unsuccessful life.

    Author : fred
    Thursday, July 9, 2009 5:01 PM

    Comment: Other than VAN HALEN , musically, what are you influences?

    Paul Gilbert: “Just about every rock band and every guitar player from 1964 to 1984. To me, that’s the golden period of rock. From the first BEATLES album hitting America to the last VAN HALEN album with David Lee Roth . That’s where all my favorite rock exists. More specifically, for guitar players, it would be Jimmy Page, Eddie Van Halen , Robin Trower, Pat Travers, Alex Lifeson, Angus Young, Tony Iommi, the guys from DEF LEPPARD, the guys from AEROSMITH…Nancy Wilson, Johnny Winter…the list just goes on and on and on.”

    Crappy here,

    Matt-Fred-Dick with just so many similarities, appears to be all one in the same asshole. Or, the actual name your parents call you, “The Accident.” You must be another Canadian or the same one.

    I’ll address some of your comments, the ones that suit me. I, unlike you Matt-Fred-Fuck,
    I have a fun life AWAY from the Internet. I have a real life. That means I go out into the daylight and the night time. I see real people. You Matt, like so many who live in front of a computer screen 18 hours a day or more, clicking “refresh” looking for a response from me. Your the type that thinks the people you add as “friends” on your facebook and/or myspace pages are actually your friends. You lead a pathetic existence.

    I don’t respond to every single persons comments because I’m either too busy, I forget to, there’s no need to, or I don’t give a shit.

    But, since “attention-deficit-disordered” Matt-Fred-Fuck, has no kind of life at all, and spent a full week (yes 7 days) trying to get my attention during my extended 7-day, 4Th of July weekend, here is my response to you, ya clumsy child. And, a warning to you and everyone first:

    I’m gonna tell ya Matt-Fred-Fuck, you little cock-roach, If I think you or anyone is trying to clog up my shit, I’ll dump all of your comments, including the few I may leave up that are relevant, and you’ll leave nothing up on my page. How da ya like that, Fucker? And, YES YOU BET YOUR FUCKIN’ ASS I CAN DO IT.

    Not that I need to again prove my superiority to any one, which of course I am. I’m going to leave all of your bullshit up for all to see for a limited time. To show once again how charitable I am and to show the kind of useless and wasted life you’ve lead, Matt-Fred-Fuck. I have no problem with yours or any ones bellyaching comments that want to leave them. I never have. BUT, when I’m outside playing and living my fun life far away from a computer, and a little underwear shit-stain like you has no patience until I come back, I just won’t put up with it. I will dump your pencil-neck-dick ass real fuckin’ fast, ya jack-off.

    It seems July is my “clarification month” Lol!! I won’t have certain comments posted on my page. Believe it or not, I do have limits. What are they? TRY to put up something I don’t like, and you’ll know what it is by it never appearing (meaning I will do as little editing to it as possible to remove the problem). Remember, my page is NOT a democracy. It may seem like it is, but it’s not. And, yes Matt-Fred-Fuck, I did do some editing to your bullshit. And, you better come up with some new materiel too. Otherwise, your next shit’s goin’ south, asshole.

    Now, to your dip-shit comments and questions:

    1. I don’t like Mush because they suck cock just like you, Matt. Rush’s music is only complex if you have Down syndrome.

    2. If liking Mush has become “uncool” then it’s about fuckin’ time!! HOORAY!!!!

    3. Because I don’t like Geddy, you think I’m a racist. That one you pulled right outta your ass, along with the sand rats, gophers, anal beads and your uncles cock.

    4. About my not posting my materiel. I’ve addressed this comment on another column’s reply section. So go look for it fuck-face. By the way, because I haven’t released music under the name “Crappy’s Truth,” doesn’t mean I haven’t released. As I’ve said on my front page, I’ve been around the music business block.

    5. As far as Vai and Gilbert go, I’m gonna tell ya something subtle in fact that very few people know and understand. Celebrities at any level of their career, if they are smart, will NEVER, NEVER, EVER say anything negative about anyone. Negative can be something as small and insignificant as saying they don’t really like rap. Saying something like that could jeopardize and cost them everything they’ve worked their entire life for. Just for telling an innocent truth with no malice of any kind. They are obligated, obligated, obligated to only say they like everyone in order to maintain and grow their fan base. I have no obligation to anyone or anything, and therefore I have the freedom to speak the truth. And, I’ve never referred to them as my “hero’s,” but peers whom I have respect for. So read and reread it again you 4Th grade dropout.

    6. Mush has been successful for 5 decades, huh? So has heroin, cocaine and weed and that goes to show there are millions and millions of stupid morons who listen to and do a wide variety of stupid, stupid things. So, there’s another one you lost, shithead. You better go gargle, your uncle is ready for round two.


    Author : fred
    Friday, July 10, 2009 10:30 AM

    You’re only responding because I ripped you like you’ve never been ripped before. I’m not on Facebook so you’re wrong again.I’ve posted comments these many times because I’m vigilant about bugging you til you can’t stand it. You’re the negative prick who started this website. You went out of your way to bash Rush, therefore YOU have no life, cockbag.
    Please try to pay attention.

    Artists are not obligated to say they like anyone. They rip on other bands all the time.
    Nice non-sequitur, douche bag. And remember, your aptly named aren’t ya crappy fuck?
    I don’t give a shit if you dump my comments. It proves you’re a pussy.

    Who the fuck is Matt? God your fucking dumb. As I said before, please try to pay
    attention, you mullet-sporting, stone-wash jean wearing fag. I already know why you don’t post your music you dumb fucker. I read it but I don’t believe it. You’re not any good and it’s proven by the fact that you don’t post any music. I imagine it’s a cross between Whitesnake and Winger. And yes you’ve been around the music block – sucking cock backstage at butt-rock shows.

    As I said and will continue to say everyday, because you cannot understand the dichotomy of not liking music but still understanding talent, you are one of the worst persons ever and a dead leaf on a tree has an infinite amount of more value than you.

    XO And it’s FRED, not fred-matt-dick. Pay the fuck attention you twat-hater!

    Crappy here,

    Whitesnake and Winger (among so many, many talented acts then) got the hottest chicks on the planet, put out great music, put on great live shows, are great musicians and had great style and looked great doing it. So, thanks for your compliment!! Your coronary should be kickin’ in anytime now. I’m very happy to be the cause of it! I knew my response would be over your head. I won’t spoon-feed ya, monkey-dick. Hey, did you thank your remedial english teacher for helping you use the very big words “dichotomy” and “non-sequitur?” Or, did ya just break their car windows and steal the hubcaps like normal? Oh yea, you really got me Fuck-face! You sooo got me! You really gave me a good run…..sheeesh…pleeezzze!!

    Your MASTER and OWNER always,

    Crappy! xo

    p.s. Go ahead and try to post something else, shit-stick. You’ve used up your free passes for this neck of the woods. I tripple-dog-dare ya!! Lol!!! “Woof!!”

  10. Geddy Lee can lick my left testicle. My right nut hangs a little lower than my left, so I think that the left testicle would be more appropriate for an asshole-sniffing nut licker like Geddy. Rush fucking sucks.

    My scrotal skin can be squeezed into a wrinkled, furry monster that sounds better than Geddy Lee’s squirrel voice.

    • LOL!!! Great one.

    • You my friend are a fucking idiot. If you hate them so much, why do you listen to them so much? Seems to me you you sure know all the names of the band members and how they play and the tone of Geddy’s voice.

  11. Well i gota do it.
    I told you before that if you ever left me i would tell everyone on here.
    Crappys real name is Tim S*******, and he used to love Rush.
    He now hates them mostly Geddy for one reason.
    At a concert in San Diego he pushed a girl that had to be 7 months pregnant
    out of the way trying to get closer to the stage. Geddy saw it and all he said was
    to be cool man to Tim. Well that was embarrassing to say the least. Ever since that
    happend he has talked shit about them. Actually i know Tim and I think he still cares about that band. He loves to get under peoples skin.
    He will deny this, but i know the truth as well as he.
    He will be pissedi wrote this, but i told him before if he left or cheated
    on me i would do something to get under his skin..
    I think Rush are ok, before my time though.
    Hi Tim.

    Crappy here,

    Hey Michael, I am not Tim. It’s one thing for me to go off on public figures because that’s part of the shit ones gotta put up with when in the public eye. On the other hand, I’m not comfortable with putting up the full name of a private citizen you have a beef with. So, in order for me to feel comfortable, you to go off and feel better (which I totally understand), and to give Tim a little anonymity, I’ve taken the liberty to edit some of his name to give Tim some protection. People who know Tim will have enough info so he’ll still get his ass kicked a little.

    Has that satisfied your vindictiveness? For you to want to bust him with an on-line post tells me you’re someone I would get along with. 🙂


    • why would a 7 months pregnant woman be at a concert? And near the front too?

  12. It wont work anymore.
    Bye for the last time.

  13. i like waffles!!!!!!!!!!

    Crappy here,

    Hey, I like waffles too!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Ha ha, you’ve been found out, Tim. What a lame name. Hi, I’m Tim and I push pregnant chicks. That is so believable. Ha fuck you, you’ve been found out. Phoney.

  15. Ha ha this is a hilarious post. I lol’d at the Geddy Lee toucan thing. He does have a large Jewish nose.

    Of course we all know that Alex Lifeson is one of the most emotional guitar players of all time and that Geddy Lee revolutionized bass playing and that Neil Peart is easily the greatest drummer alive. But of course you know that Crappy since you have heard all 18 of their studio albums….right? I mean you must have really liked them to push pregnant women around.

    • “Of course we all know that Alex Lifeson is one of the most emotional guitar players of all time and that Geddy Lee revolutionized bass playing and that Neil Peart is easily the greatest drummer alive.”

      Comment like this ONLY show the actual musical ignorance of any who spout this garbage.

      Its smacks of typical uninformed hero worship and idolatry . WHAT THE FUCK ??? HAVE YOU NEVER REALLY LISTENED TO ANY REAL ARTISTS AND MUSICIANS?


  16. I put Crappy right up there with Bin Laden for worst person award. He’s just a complete douche and a shitty guitarist.

    Crappy here,

    “I put Crappy right up there with Bin Laden for worst person award.”

    Now THAT is just ridicules!!

  17. oh yeah.. this guy saying rush sucks probably listens to Slipknot.. lmao! they are a 3 man band and they create more music than any other band that has 4 or 5 band members..So go find a deep lake and jump in it! thanks!

    • Because they create more music than any other artist doesn’t automatically mean they’re the best band ever. Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones created more music than Rush. Now go fuck yourself! Rush fucking sucks!

      • VERY good point.And one that cant be disputed as being a fact.

  18. So Crappy… You actually think Rush’s music isn’t complicated… but you listen to Winger and Whitesnake? Do you even know a single thing about music? Yeah, A couple power chords and a hot bitch in a video is so much more complicated and progressive than epics like 2112. You make no sense at all. Let me guess, you’re going to be dissing on Between the Buried and Me and The Roots and other great musical groups that I happen to love so I can make you look like an asshole. Well, good luck with that.

  19. Timmy! Livinalie Timmy!

  20. Any body who thinks that
    A) Rush sucks or
    B) Neil Peart is the only good thing about the band has a couple screws loose in the old noodle. Geddy Lee’s voice is an aquired taste, it always has been. However his bass playing has never been in question. He is without a doubt in the top five bassists to ever grace the planet. Throw in the fact that he plays synths and pedals while singing during the live shows and you have an incredibly talentd man.
    Onto Alex Lifeson. Perhaps one of the most underrated guitarists ever. He could shred with the best hair metal players, but most often he chose not to because good musicians know you don’t have to wank your instrament to make good music. He had an incredible gift for providing texture to there songs and could play backing guitar and lead guitar simultaneously.
    You need to check your musical taste bud.

    • So it’s 3/16/2010 and I type into Google search “Rush sucks”… find this crappystruth page and fuck, start laughing my ass off. Looks like Ol’ Crappy has his hands full with Rush’s fanboys spewing and no one thanking him for taking the slings and arrows. Anyone who expresses that Rush is an over-produced, under-talented, syntho-bondo to fill in the gaps, marketed like crack, waste of vinyl, psudo-metal band will hear from ANY Rush fanboy or fangirl within earshot that… here it comes…..
      “Oh Gawd, Rush is the GREATEST ROCK BAND EVER!!!”

      To Crappy, I say when you hear their battle cry, just walk away just walk.

      • There is no need to hate on any band, that’s kinda immature.
        Especially to the extend of making a page like this.
        No, I’m not a fanboy by any stretch of the imagination.
        Obviously, they’ve been doing something right, seeing as they’ve been around for over 40 years, but clearly Rush isn’t for everybody.
        Besides, I’m sure you would get pretty pissed if somebody made a hate article about one of your favorite bands.

      • LMAO .. this was SO fucking well put. BEST description yet i’ve seen of these lame and repetitive dullards who are legends in their OWN minds.YES INDEED. “The Rushettes”.

        Well said.. LOL

    • a moment of FACTS here..ok ?

      its apparent they seem “hot shit” in their own world.Think they REALLY are that good huh ?.
      IF either of these three over rated bozos were to even TRY to change places with ANY of the musicians in SERIOUSLY complex bands ( YES,Genesis,Gentle Giant,PFM,ELP.. MANY others)…. they would never cut it.NEVER.

      Each is straight forward and comes across as “oh wow” BUT… only because what they do is FAR more limited to THEIR format than ANY non-musicians or NON musical types realize.


  21. haha whitesnake?… what a fag.

  22. this is FACT … i grew up in Peart’s home town ( MINE as well) .. oddly enough, in his “day” ( and mine) we were rival drummers in rival bands… then ( and NOW) i could run circles around him on a BAD night.He could never cut the mustard back then with technical REAL progressive stuff by the obvious bands of the day( genesis.. YES.. etc).

    Peart over rated? FUCK yes.. was THEN and still is.. GREATEST drummer in the world they say ? Who the FUCK are “they” anyway?.. and any who think so have NO clue what someone REALLY incredible on drums IS.

    so then , i’ve watched the over rated peart since the beginning… and STILL am amazed that he’s gotten as far for as long as he has….

    but then again, just because 3 losers stick together forever ( it seems) .. doesnt qualify them as being as good as everyone seems to think they are.

    or does it now ?

  23. Rush does suck. I wholeheartedly agree 110%.
    Geddy Lee’s voice is nauseating.
    They were decent, up until 1983 or so- But NOT
    Geddy Lee, he’s always sucked, and always will.
    Listen to REAL music, like THE METERS, or their latest incarnation, THE FUNKY METERS, OLD Lynyrd Skynyrd, or some old Edgar Winter, with Rick Derringer, or some Steely Dan or something.

  24. doesnt matter cant even touch neil peart

    • yes you can.. ANY decent drummer can. IF one is told and hit over the head long enough with how “great one is” ya gradually tend to accept and believe it.I for ONE very RARE reason know of what i speak.

    • John Bonham or Keith Moon or even Bill Bruford can touch Peart.

  25. OMG just stumbled on this and RUSH FUCKING SUCKS BIG TIME…they shouldn’t even be considered “classic” they were always the worst band ever, next to Jethro Tull…Zeppelin, Deep Purple, the Who, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, ERIC CLAPTON…Lynyrd Skynyrd…all legends, not Rush…legend maybe in their own minds, and i always found that the people who listened to Rush were those hoping to hang out with us cooler people…they are the wannabe cool people…sorry, truth hurts…

    • YUP.. LOL .. you’re 100% right.I live in canader( the great wasteland of the north).Even in the hometown of the over rated almighty peart.And you’re right.MOST assholes are “cool in their own minds” IF they actually even just SAY how “amazing” the Rushettes are.What a fucking joke. As i mentioned here before, in FACT ..REAL FACT .. i grew up toe to toe with peart. In time becoming his rival drummer in his AND my home town.Ended up even rapidly surpassing anything the almighty peart could do to the point where many a night, he would come to check out whatever band i was in at the time playing genesis,Yes,Crimson,Gentle Giant,PFM numbers that he NEVER could even HOPE to pull off. EVEN back then, his mainstay was his redundant “drum solo”.. and seems he does it to this day.I remmember it ALL vividly.. and can tell you that 70% of what he does is NO different now than back then… the patterns and riffs and rolls with the double kicks..the rudimentary snare thing.. the sticks twirling and tossing in the air and catching was LAME then… and to think he STILL does that lame shit NOW.SURE is funny from the point of view of one who was actually “witness to the growing NOT greatness”

    • exactly.. and YOU know EXACTLY what you’re talking about.Lets NOT forget YES,Genesis,Floyd,E.L.P.,DOZENS of others.

      CMON NOW!!!! as if these 3 stooges could hope to compare with the TRUE works of genius THESE band and other such artists have created since the 70s???

      ya…. RIGHT… LOL

  26. Funny stuff about Geddy, but I lost all interest in your opinion once you started bashing Alex Lifeson’s guitar playing. You don’t play guitar yourself, do you?

  27. Crappy and retarded followers,listen carefully: kill yourself or be killed.

    RUSH is devine!

    • LOL… ya ya.. and YOU are exactly one of the ones who have made these 3 stooges a religion that i mentioned here… LOL.

      “Crappy and retarded followers,listen carefully: kill yourself or be killed.

      RUSH is devine!”….

      wholly FUCK… un fucking real.. LOL

      • FUCK OFF Crappy! Just FUCK OFF you miserable shit head.

        What a waist of O2. You are the reason why abortion is legal in some countries.

        FUCK OFF, FUCK you and all you FUCKIN BASTARDS.

    • LOL.. have a childlike tantrum you fucking brainwashed rushmaniac.. LMAO


      • I just stumbled upon this site. You people ALL need to get a life. Telling eachother to kill yourselves over a stupid, freakin rock band? Grow up! You sound like a bunch of junior high schoolers!

  28. I never did understand how anyone could base his or her self-image on which band he or she likes. Then again, maybe I do understand; it is a sign of immaturity and a weak sense of self. To base one’s self-image on a band is as silly as basing it on whether one likes coffee with or without sugar, don’t you think?

    • exactly… in canader here, these pretentious amateurs are like a fucking religion.IF you’re a canadian asshole, you are EXPECTED to idolize these no talent morons as though they REALLY ARE the best band on the planet… CAN YOU FUCKIN IMAGINE THAT ???
      I’ve seen more arguments and disliking for ANY person who happenes to have THEIR opinion about this trio of bores who did ALL they could decades ago and havent done anything ANY different since.Take ANY track off ANY album ( of course if one is NOT a rushmaniac ) and one CANT tell the difference from one track to another.
      BUT … IF you’re in canader, you HAVE to love’em .. and beer.. and hockey…and gay marriages and everything else the land of wanna bes and hillbillies is known for… LMAO

    • You need to live in canada the land of the brain dead hillbillies to REALLY comprehend what you’ve pointed out. The asshole canadians here who have NOTHING to offer other than natural resources ( and even THAT is not of their doing) are obsessed with this thing about the rushettes, and are such pompous asses about it that they actually believe ANY one but them gives a flying fuck about THEIR fucking useless bad which oddly enough MOST mainstream people dont even know exists.You should SEE the fucking hateful posts i’ve seen here and there about “HOW DARE the NOT be accepted into the rock hall of fame!!!” ..UN FUCKING BELIEVEable .. That something as stupid as some 3 piece lame pretentious derivative band of undeserved wealthy morons are actually revered to the point of being considered”deity” ( any idea HOW many times i’ve seen the almighty peart LITERALLY refered to as “GOD”???… LMAO… Wholly fuck. In all my years i never seen the likes of this.”Beatlemania” but ONLY amost the brainwashed disciples of the rushettes…. VERY sick and funny shit… i HAVE to tell you.

      Oh.. and by the way, the comparison with “Beatlemania” isnt accurate at all… the entire WORLD knew and continues to know who the Beatles were and ARE.ONLY the NO self esteem NO self worth canadians know who these over rated 3 stooges are.

    • Alexander, I couldn”t agree with you more.

  29. i cant help wonder if any who are rushmanics realize to just what extent the REAL artists and REAL musicians laugh their asses off at these 3 lame characatures who’ve impressed those who know NOTHING about REAL music for decades with their lame brand of derivative “progressive rock”? The ones in the REAL bands that have pioneered and made REAL music all these years,YES,Genesis,Pink Floyd,E.L.P.,PFM,Gentle Giant,Zappa,Parson’s,Gabriel
    Gentle Giant etc.must shake their heads in disbelief and laff at how these pretentious assholes pulled it off for as long as they have.But then again,its usually “canadian assholes” who seem to love to blow their own horn on being the wasteland that spawned( as THEY like to believe)” the greatest band of ALL time”. LOL.. Wholly FUCK.Can you believe that shit ???I live in canada(land of the lost) and i’m telling you, THESE 3 stooges are like a fucking religion here.And its all about “cool”. As in IF you dont think The Rushettes are the greatest band that ever was( realise of course that this means greater than all the bands i’ve mentioned INCLUDING the only one that really matters.. The Beatles), then YOU are a loser and know NOTHING.Now…. thats pretty fucked up huh ?LOL

  30. To say that Rush sucks, makes sense. To say that they are the worst band ever, makes sense. To say that Neil Peart is not the worlds greatest rock drummer, makes sense. But to say that they have no talent at all is in my opinion dumb. I’ve played bass and guitar for years and their music is not easy to play. In my opinion, you should post a Youtube video of you doing what they do, play YYZ or La Villa. It’s cool to say “I was Neil Pearts rival drummer” well at least show someone that you can do what he does. Most of the people on here are full of hot air, including the Rush fans. Im by no means saying i can play anything like any of these guys, but I enjoy almost all the bands mentioned here and enjoy playing them. Music is an opinion based thing. I get why people dont like Rush and someone can tell me that they are the worst band ever, i dont care. What bothered me the most about all this bullshit is that most of you miss the true nature of music. If theres one thing thats gotten me by in life more than anything its cranking a good song and forgetting about bullshit. If theres any band to be bashed its new stuff, “Record Company Puppets” that are completely based on image rather than music. People who dont write their own music then go up on stage, for a bunch of screaming 14 year olds, thats fucking lame. Where’s the “Nickelfag” hate post? Hope everyone here has a nice holiday, listen to something you love.

    – Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one” –

    • very true.. and therefore what YOU just had to say carries JUST as much substance as a fly’s fart in a hurricane.. ASSHOLE..LOL

  31. I would save a dung beatle before I would save Crappy.
    I pray he gets killed soon. He certainly is aptly named.

    • cause he is NOT a rushmanic hypnotized by this all girl trio of redundant assholes? LOL… guess ANY one who dislikes the worlds greatest all girl trio is subject to SERIOUS hate huh ?

      and THAT is a most amazing curiosity … you brainwashed ASSHOLE


  32. FUCK OFF Crappy! Just FUCK OFF you miserable shit head.

    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!

    did I mention… FUCK OFF Crappy!

    • No blah, FUCK YOU!

  33. rushmaniacs are too brainwashed by the occult practices these assholes deal in.
    Its a VERY well known documented fact that a HUGE majority of “rock stars” who practice occult matters very often experience terrible,unusual,and tragic losses in their live .. usually by the means of untimely and unusual deaths of those close to them,family members.and usually even themselves.Lifeson has had some and so has lee.
    Look into Led zep ( as one example) and the several tragedies fatal and near fatal of Plants son,bonham,and Plant himself.There are SO many many others with sad and terrible things happening to them.This is NOT an attempt to make a point by means of callousness … BUT … IF you consider the untimely tragedies peart suffered both within a year of each other,one with an open mind MIGHT see the relation between the tragedies themselves and obvious ongoing dealing with the occult and reaping the rewards of trying to push their beliefs onto others ( a SUBTLE fact).And one day they will pay a BIG price for the BAD influence they’ve had on others over the years.Seems peart ALREADY has paid TWO supreme sacrifices. For as “deep and intellectual” as peart likes to proclaim to be and come across as being, you’d thing he’d have caught on and wised up.Obviously NOT.So, fascinating to see which of these three will pay another price for their mindless and childish involvment and practicing of the occult.Keep your eyes open.I’m sure karma for this ongoing “promoting of occult matters” is already in the works for the NEXT severe tragedies.Wonder what they’ll be and which of these three will pay the price… once AGAIN.

  34. Neil peart (or paert or peert or whatever) is not “the only thing good about rush” actually neil peart sounds like a drum machine. thats good in a way, but in another way,it sucks. i like drummers that are musical. musical and mechanical is good like Terry Bozzio, or just musical Like Ringo Starr, but just mechanical sucks. Alex Lifeson is a great guitar player and Geddy Lee is an outstanding Bassist. A couple of their early albums are interesting within their purview, but everything they did after Permanent Waves sounds like what they are – some guys chasing record company money, and nothing else. the worst thing about Rush is their(generally)asshole American Fans. If not for that they would just be a bunch of Canadians who made good in the record business, after trying really hard for a long time.The worst thing about rush fans is thier belief that all rock music is somehow relative to rush. the douche-bag microsoft employee that wrote the bits about bands that comes up in rhapsody wrote this

    “Rush worked out math rock equations through the function of guitar, bass, keyboards and drums….” {{{vomits}}}

    • DAMN.. that was well said and accurate.The russhettes really are no more than an over rated over blown all girl “band” that to some IN the know have managed to maintain their longevity because they have been and are STILL steeped into the occult .. using the occult to obtain and maintain success.
      And ya.. it DOES work.Unfortunately, it carries with it circumstances that are always tragic ( consider ALL the bands and artists that have been into the occult and the things that have happened to them..the Zepplin tragedies ..Bonham and Plant and his son being only ONE well known example because of Page’s involvement in satanism).
      Dont think so huh ?WHY do you think peart sufferred the tragic losses HE did ?NO coincidence .. when you play with the occult, you pay a BIG price.

    • DAMN.. that was well fucking said… you’re 100000% right; and its impossible.. virtually.. to convince any rushmaniac that thei all girl tro is anything BUT the greatest band that ever was or ever will be.Its a kind of almost blind devotion that can be somewhat scary IF you actually see HOW incensed and hostile ANY rushmaniac gets IF you are insane enough to insult the “only band in the world” as if it were their family member or even CHILD !!!!

      THAT is seriously scary shit… like w t f happened ??? ITS ONLY A FUCKING LAME BAND THAT USED OCCULT POWERS TO GET WHERE THEY GOT!

      think thats bullshit ?

      check out THIS link.. with a OPEN mind… and try to deny the FACTS.

    • That’s what I mean, these asshole motherfucking fans of Rush thinking that these guys are the pioneers of music and changed the sound of rock unlike Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Yes, Pink Floyd, and many others. Rush are fucking duplicates of these bands and are nothing special. Fuck Rush and fuck all their fans!

      • You are so right Lemmon.Its actually sickening the way these rush fanboys go on and on and on and literally refer to pert as god.Not as a god.But refer to the no talent loser as “God” himself.C’mon man.It’s only a fucing band.And the most lame and talentless on the planet.Original sound???You gotta be fucking kidding me.Wanna have a real laugh that turns your stomach,goto any video on pert or rush on youtube and read how the fanmaniacs gush and droll and slobber and carry on about the greatness of this caricature of a shit band.Possibly the worst thing of all is that as the saying goes these scum bags have the last laugh all the way to the bank.It’s kinda funny that a lot of the fan fags place so much emphasis on the longevity of this boring loser band.Whats the surprise??? Is KFC or Macdonalds or Coke or Pespi gonna pack it in when they have a very established good thing going???
        I think these 3 losers cant not make it anywhere outside of the weird wacko inner circle they’ve created within themselves.Pert( i misspell his stupid name deliberately) could never be in any other band.He’s not capable.Him in Yes or genesis or any other band isnt possible because he has serious limitations as a musician.But of course no one would or can consider than because all they know of is how mr.boring-flash-rock-drummer functions within the structure of the band he’s been with almost all his life.I keep wondering just how long these 3 boring talentless hacks will continue.I figure as long as cash keeps flowing in from the masses of brainwashed losers around th world who feel like they are “special” because they are such fans and have something over those who are not, these hacks will continue till the finally have to be helped onstage by roadies carrying them on.LOL.After all, why would KFC,Pepsi,Macdonalds and many other similar empires pack it in. Right ?.LOL


  36. Just a reminder to you…

    FUCK OFF Crappy! Just FUCK OFF you miserable shit head.

    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!

    did I mention… FUCK OFF Crappy!

    Crappy here,

    AWWwwww baby, what’s wrong??? Did mommy tell ya you couldn’t suck her titties anymore?

    • Well said.You can really tell a rushie fanboy when ya see one eh? LOL.They always seem so girly.




  38. This explains the unusual success of surprise,really.


      • Obviously not YOU.But you will have all eternity to regret that you didn’t fella.


  39. This is well worth the read.

    • I am positive all the “Rush Haters” have never seen them live. You probably can’t leave your computer/cell phones long enough. But thanks for posting how much they suck. Every word you say just reinforces who great they are.

      • P.S
        Happy birthday Alex!(sorry buddy but apparently you suck)




  41. Right On!! I always thought Rush was one of the most over-rated bands ever to exist. Mostly I think I hate bands that have a whiney high pitched lead singer (Journey) that sounds like he’s trying out for an Opera part and not doing kick ass rock and roll. People that say Rush was an innovator must be tone deaf – I can’t listen to more than a few bars of Subdivisions without wanting to ralph up my lunch…!!

  42. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about! Do yourself a favor…find a new hobby or interest like basket weaving, (something you are good at already)..or playing in traffic. Don’t bother with music!
    99% of all rush haters say the same predictable things…and really don’t know anything about the band! Shut the fuck up!



  44. How dare you talk shit about RUSH!! There’s a reason why every
    one of their albums have 5 stars. What do you listen to, probably fucking pitbull or lmfao, so you can’t say anything bad about real musicianship. And what the fuck are you saying that RUSH is rolling stone’s pets. People at rolling stones never say anything good about them. RUSH gets dicriminated by a lot of people. Shut the fuck up and go have Katty perry shove a gerbal up your ass.

    • rush does suck there is no attitude in their music, and that one song about the trees ARE U FUCKING KISSING ME thats not rock and roll that the singer sings is like an environmentalist who wants to tie himself to a tree and save the trees lololol they don’t rock there soo soft and mushy no adrenaline no attitude, no songs that are edgy if i must say only tom sawyer is accebtable other thatn they they suck balls, like wtf song without ending in sight lik fuck their is a reason ALOT of people hate them is cus they suck, maybe a muscians they are good bt a a band making sogs together THEY ARE HORRIBLE

      • You’re right, Rush don’t have head banging music, but what they do have is feeling. You don’t go to a slayer concert and wave a lighter around cause their music makes you headbang a kill brain cells. Rush makes music with integrity, complexity, and lyrical genius. You may think that death metal bands have talent, but talent is not only performance, it’s accually making things clear and focused.

        I’m feel very sorry for you since you haven’t listen to Rush before Dio and banged your head so much that you perception of real musicianship is distorted.


    • AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH RUSH don’t know good music the very reasn ur hear means u doubt how good t are

      • FUCK RUSH!


    • You’re not the only one that hates Rush Jonathan. I got your back man. I love Classic Rock and a lot of Metal but Rush bugs the fuck out of me. I don’t know why people look to this band as the pioneers of music. I just can’t get into them. To all Rush fans hurt about the people who don’t like Rush, FFFFUUUUCCCKKKK YYYYOOOOUUUUU!!!!

  47. crappy is satan. its such a pity we give it our attention or time. I am choosing the bible over the internet, good night folks. this gunk is junk.

  48. i just dont understand why people actually hate rush. they might not be in the hall of fame, but why does it matter. its just a fucking museum. why dont you just go to a rush concert and tell me the experience. ive been to one, and it changed my life because it reminded me that there is still beauty in this world.

  49. actually reading all of this rush hating makes me want to shove my throat and pull out the haters lungs and laugh at them because they’re bleeding. i would make them bury their own graves and set them on fire.
    no one loves you Crappy. your dad left you eversince you were born, and your mother killed herself for bring you into this world.

    Crappy here,

    That doesn’t sound very “loving” now does it?

  50. I went on a group where people list the “Superbands” that they hate and Rush is one of them. However, the band Rush is the only band that has ONE butthurt fanboy calling ALL people who don’t like Rush “Fags”. I won’t accept ANY love for this band if negative opinions are not accepted. All of you butthurt fanbrats of this band either accept our hatred opinions or you can go fuck yourselves.

    • First of all, I’m not hating on people who don’t listen to rush. No rush fan doesn’t. But what I do hate Is people who hate rush so much that they have to piss others off just because they listen to rush.

      I hope you know that the haters are the ignorant ones that dont deserve to live because they are self centering assholes

      • This happens with everybody who’s commercially successful. Everybody including the Beatles. I have come across Beatle haters on the internet that are a bunch of hostile, low-life, ignorant suck ass motherfuckers that ever walk their pathetic scumbag selves on this planet Earth. People who don’t like the Beatles are NOT haters. They are just saying “I’m not a fan but I do have respect for them.”

      • First of all, people who hate rush, or any musical genius as a matter-of-fact, is considered a hater. Not the ones who don’t listen to rush.

        I don’t mind if someone doesn’t listen to rush, I just hate when they hate them. I don’t listen to the Beatles, but I know they’re #1 in record sales for a reason.

  51. the rap on roll the bones is the most embarrassing thing ever recorded. so gay that Richard Marx, Kenny G , and Lawrence Welk had a circle jerk to it. and when will Geddy Li stop multi tracking his vocals? its not like we all dont know hes lost whatever banshee-with- ‘roids caterwaul he ever might have had! fucking polesmoke!

    • I swear to god, if you say one more bad thing about RUSH, I will come all the way to your house to murder you and your entire family. You better watch who you’re fucking with. I plan on tieing you to a chair and make you watch as I make everyone in your family burn in front of you you cock sucking ass muncher. I can’t wait.

      • Wow Matt! You sure are a fan of Rush. You are not going to do jack shit to anyone. I hate the Rush fans more than the band itself. Accept the dislike of Rush or go fuck yourself.

  52. rush sucks becasue they don’tpooses that rock and roll edge in their music, there is not attitude also, listening to their music is too upbeat and all over the place, songs go on wayyyy longer that they should, listening to rush puts the image in your head of flowers and rainbows like a said its rock and roll for pussies who don’t knw rea rock and roll

  53. Blah blah blah, blah blah. Blah blah blah BLAH BLAH blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH??? BLAH BLAH BLAH! Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!

    Translation (from Alex Lifeson): “Fuck you, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You don’t need us and we don’t need you.”

  54. Rush still fucking sucks! FUCK ALL RUSH FANS ON THIS PAGE!

  55. Just a reminder to you… we are in 2014

    FUCK OFF Crappy! Just FUCK OFF you miserable shit head.

    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!
    FUCK OFF Crappy!

    did I mention… FUCK OFF Crappy and Crappy friends!

    Crappy here,


    • What does the year have to do with anything? So by your own definition, that means you showered ONCE in your worthless life and that’s enough. Brushed your teeth once that’s enough. Wiped your stinkin’, shit-encrusted ass once, too. Try to finish out your 4th grade year LISTENING to the teacher…ya shit stain!!


      • it is still very valid for 2019… FUCK OFF Crappy and Crappy friends!

  56. Rush still fucking sucks! Fuck the Rush fans here!

  57. This man is drunk as fuck. He’s high. He’s a male prostitute.

  58. Geddy works his bass like a wrench on a nut? But, brotha… that’s why he’s the king of the bass! I can only think of one other bass player that played that way: the late great Chris fucking Squire!

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